mercoledì, gennaio 31, 2007

Adventures at the Vatican

It seems I can't go to the Vatican without having some sort of adventure lately! Not that I mind. It's just... back home, I lead a relatively simple life. If you would ask me whether anything exciting happened to me during the day, a typical answer could be, "It was bread bowl soup day in the Dining Hall!" or "I got to go to TARGET!" If you were to ask me that here in Rome, however, my answers for the past few days would be, "I saw the Pope this morning" (today's response) or "I got a free visit to the top of the dome at St. Peter's...!" (yesterday's response). I can't even tell you how surreal is to hear those words come out of my mouth.

So I'll begin with yesterday. What a glorious day it was! One of the best I've ever experienced in all 19.62 years of my life, I must say. I had two morning classes, which went well though I was rather tired, and then went to Pascucci's for lunch. I had a trecce con mozarella e spinaci (just a grilled cheese and spinach sandwich, only amazing) and a Happy Hippo. Have I mentioned Happy Hippos yet? They're probably the greatest things I've ever eaten. They look like cute little hippos and taste like heaven! I might have to devote a post to them. Anyway, after lunch Kelly and I wandered around trying to find L'Opera to get my haircut, and walked halfway to the Vatican before we discovered that it was only a block away from the hotel! Boo. So we backtracked, and found our way inside. The people were very talkative and friendly, and I got a full scalp massage hair washing, a really nice haircut, and a 20% discount! They really like SMC girls... one of the girls who was here last semester or last year is actually featured as a model in their current hair book and advertisements! It's pretty cool. After I left, I went back to put on my cute new boots and a skirt to go down to the Vatican for Mass in St. Peter's. I was alone, but I seem to blend pretty well as long as I keep my mouth shut, so I do alright. For the first time since I've arrived, I felt European. I had the boots, the skirt, a new haircut, and a destination. I've discovered that the best thing you can do here is to just pretend you know where you're going, even if you don't--so long as you walk with purpose, you flow with the crowd.

I arrived there at the perfect time of day! It was right around 4 PM and the sun was starting to descend, behind the Vatican. It was one of those clear, sunny days where just a few puffy clouds wander aimlessly past, and the sun seems to smile down on your face. I strolled around St. Peter's Square for a while, then started in towards the Basilica. There wasn't even a wait! I made my way down, and when I finally walked into the Basilica I felt overcome with emotion. I just stood there gazing above me, smiling with disbelief and joy as a few tears rolled down my face. It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen... the sun was slanting down through the windows, clinging to the dust in the air, and the entire scene felt so surreal. I just wandered around, soaking in the scene and the people and the art and the feeling of awe that seemed to permeate every corner.

I was pausing to take a picture near what appeared to be the preserved body of one of the Pope Innocents (I forget which?) when suddenly a Vatican worker/guard approached me and asked if I would like my picture taken. Surprised and gratified, I replied with a startled, "Si! Grazie!" He took my picture, then asked if I was Italian. I shook my head, and said, "No, sono americana. Parla inglese?" Fortunately, he did! We stood and talked for a minute, and then out of nowhere he asked, "Would you like to see top of Dome?" I just looked at him for a second, dumbstruck. I knew people could go up there, but I thought it was too late in the day. I said, "What?" and he repeated himself, pointing up towards the top. I accepted, and followed him behind some chained off areas into a lift. We went up three levels, and when we got out I found myself walking around the interior of the dome, looking at gorgeous mosaics on all sides of me. There were a couple others with us, and we started heading up some stairs. I quickly realized that we would be climbing the rest of the way... turns out, we climbed 325 stairs to get there! Some of the staircases were really winding and made me dizzy, and we had to pause halfway through to catch our breath.

It was during this climb that I realized my new friend the Vatican worker, Massimo, friendly as he was, probably had one intention: to ask for my number. At first I was just so excited about the opportunity that I didn't even think to decline, but as we were climbing this revelation came to me slowly. Awkward... so we kept climbing up the million stairs and chatting away, though inside I kept desperately hoping that he wouldn't bring up anything related to my telephone number! It was worth everything when we reached the top. We could see EVERYTHING in Rome, because the dome is one of the highest points in the city. The view was spectacular, and Massimo kept pointing out different areas and explaining where all the important things in Vatican City were. I was astounded by the view, particularly because it was just an hour or so before sunset. Absolutely incredible. And this was my first time in the Basilica at all!!

We eventually started back down (which was MUCH easier) so I could attend Mass, and then Massimo finally got around to asking about my number. I told him that I would like to be friends, certainly, but that I have a boyfriend, just so he's aware. He answered, "No no, that's alright! " but was quiet for about 10 seconds before asking, "So is your boyfriend here in Rome?" I told him no, he's in the States, and he said, "Oh!" before falling silent again. Then... "Well maybe he visit?" I answered no again, trying with all my might to think of some new subject to bring up to avert the awkwardness of the situation. He seemed a little more subdued after the exchange, and I felt kind of bad. Nonetheless, he wrote down his name and phone number for me, and told me that if I ever needed tickets for a Papal Audience to just come find him. Haha! He was a really nice guy.

So that was interesting. I went to Mass in the Basilica, which was beautiful, then ran into my friend Theresa, who ran into two seminarians she knew from home! We talked for a while, and they mentioned a place where we could get tickets for the Papal Audience. They set off to go study for their finals (all the Rome seminarians' finals are going on right now) and we took off to go get the tickets. As we started walking, I told Theresa about what had happened, and how I got to see the top of the dome. She stared at me with wide eyes and started laughing. When I asked her what was so funny, she said, "You have to PAY to go up there! He didn't make you pay?" I just looked at her. "No..." We both cracked up, amused by my good fortune. A free personal tour of the top of the Dome on my very first visit to the Basilica! Amazing.

So after that I came to the library, and Theresa went off to get the tickets. She did! And we went to the Papal Audience this morning!! More on that later, but I have class soon so I need to run. Farewell all!


At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonimo said...

Glad to see you're just as popular with Italian men as you are with the Americans ;) Sara

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonimo said...

Sarah, Sarah....what a riot! I'm glad he took it well, but you need to "realize" things earlier!! lol


At 8:25 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

What's wrong with getting excited about bread bowls and Target? Speaking of which, we had bread bowls yesterday and they were delicious and I might actually get off campus tonight. You sure are missing out- just kidding! Keep having a wonderful time and let the boys down easy.


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