Higher than the clouds

So these pictures are from the top of Untersberg mountain, which Kim and I decided to go to the top of on Tuesday morning. We started out with absolutely NO idea what we were getting ourselves into! We'd heard that the mountain used in the escape scene of the Sound of Music was in the area, so we went to the train station, read all the destinations, determined that because "berg" meant mountain, the word "Untersberg" was probably the right choice, and started out! I had planned on hiking, but we soon discovered that the trails were closed due to snow. Disappointed, I hesitated on whether or not we should pay to take the lift up. In the end, we decided to, and it was worth every penny! The views were INCREDIBLE. The picture from above is our first glimpse after leaving the lift station.

I don't think I've ever breathed air so pure in my life. It was like walking into the winter wonderland I'd always dreamed of, and more than made up for my missing out on snow this year! As we rounded one of the corners of the trail, I was so overwhelmed by the view of the distant mountains and countryside that I said, "Is this really my life??" really loudly. To my surprise and embarrassment, there were two American women standing nearby, and they started laughing as they called, "Yes, it is!" They were kind enough to take Kim's and my picture.

As we wandered along the winding trail, which was covered in slippery snow, we saw a cross up on a distant peak. In a spurt of stubborn independence, I decided that I was going to reach it. Kim was quite skeptical about the steep inclines of the trail, so she stayed behind to watch my journey and make sure I didn't get into too much trouble. I plunged ahead in a burst of exhiliration, panting and clutching my little finger rosary, praying that I could just make it up to the cross. In spite of the cold temperatures, I was so warm from the exertion that I wanted to take off my coat! I didn't, though, and just kept myself focused on getting to the top. On the way, I met an older man heading down (wisely holding ski poles) who looked at me like I was insane. In retrospect... it probably was. There I stood in the snowy peaks of the Alps, a 19 year old girl with pigtails wearing old, worn out Adidas shoes and clutching my purse as I climbed up the steep hill. No wonder he seemed confused! It was worth it all when I reached the top though. The cross was set up as a memorial to those climbers who had died in the Alps, and it was so beautiful. Unfortunately, the sky started to turn dark gray, and (fearing the worst) I set off back down the hill to return to Kim.

She had found herself a seat on some rocks on another, smaller hill. I climbed up to join her, and as I seated myself, I realized that immediately to the other side of the rocks was a sheer drop-off. Basically, we sat two feet from impending death! Trying not to think about the queasy feeling in my stomach, I sat and looked out to the left of us, straight into a cloud. We couldn't see any of the land, which would have been beautiful, but there was something amazing about being higher than the clouds... Kim had her Bible out and read Psalm 121 aloud. It read, ironically:
I lift up my eyes to the hills --
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip --
He who watches over you will not slumber
We were both a little nervous about sitting where we were, but it was such a rush! Then, out of nowhere, some mountain birds flew over and landed next to us! The bird shown above is, literally, mere inches from my leg. I thought for sure they were going to peck us, but none of them did. They weren't afraid at all, nor were they begging. They were just... curious. They were probably wondering what we were doing sitting on their turf! I doubt many people stop up there to just sit very often... most are hiking through. It was kind of a neat feeling, sitting there in the clouds.

I can't even describe how incredible the stillness felt. It was one of the coolest things I have ever done in my life. I love the Alps!! And I plan to go back and hike for real someday.

My mountain buddy, Kim, and I. She's pretty fabulous! We will never forget this day.

So beautiful. This was on the way back down. Anywho, later that night, after bumming around Salzburg some more and eating pretzels and apfelstrudel for our meals, Sarah Falvey joined us! We said farewell to Kim in the morning, as she was heading back to Spain, and then Ellen, Sarah and I moved on to Vienna. Unfortunately, it was a kind of gray, chilly day, but we had fun exploring with the Underground train system, which is remarkably efficient. I don't think I've ever seen such a wonderful train system! I wish we'd had more time there though.

We took some jumping pictures in front of this church (Rathaus Platz?) and just explored the Museum district.

I love long archways. SO much! This was by that same place as above. We later went to Sigmund Freud Park, and McDonald's for dinner. We also went to the Schonnbrunn Palace, which was incredibly beautiful, but by then it was too dark to see much more. I liked what I saw of Vienna, but hope I can go back someday to visit the incredible museums. I'll post again later, maybe when I'm back in Rome the week after next week! But for now, I'll be exploring Ireland and continuing this grand adventure. God bless you all!
"... as I seated myself, I realized that immediately to the other side of the rocks was a sheer drop-off. Basically, we sat two feet from impending death!"
If you ever go hiking in the Alps again, please...don't tell me. This sentence alone caused my heart to skip a beat...
:- O
Love you always,
The Mom Who Is Glad You Are Off The "Berg"
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