mercoledì, marzo 07, 2007

Home Sweet Rome

I am now home from the northern trip, struggling mightily to catch back up with life here in Rome! I don't know what was more tiring... the trip itself, with all the nonstop tours, or trying to survive midterms, most of which count for 25-40% of our grade for each class! My head is still spinning from the Art History midterm, which I just finished. Basically, our professor handed us a sheet with about 70 different works/cathedrals/sculptures listed and told us that we needed to know everything about each of them. Artistic period, artist, title, location, date... and of those, about 8 would be on the exam. Given enough time, it's quite plausible to study the works enough to remember some of this basic information. But with just a few days between our return home and the exam, days which were jammed full of studying and preparation for still other exams, such a feat seemed quite daunting.

But at least we were all in it together. On Tuesday, it seemed that every time you ran into someone they were reciting different definitions from Religious Studies. There have been countless little study parties and Pascucci's talks, and in an odd way it's reassuring to know that nearly everyone else in the program is just as stressed out as I. Last night after 7 PM, the general hum of chatter switched over to Art History and Poli Sci. Now that those are done, it will surely evolve into a universal lament over Italian homework and exams. I just have an exam in the morning, but after that, I'm going to feel so free! I cannot wait. I'm not all that worried about the exam though... this really hasn't been as bad as I'd anticipated. Religious Studies went quite well, and Art History... well, at least it's done. But I look forward to this weekend!

I have so many stories to share from last week that it will probably take several posts! I'm going to try to get caught up over the next couple days, so bear with me. I'm doing the best I can! Look for pictures in the near future too (split up into a few different albums, per the advice of my mother!) So that's life here as of late. On an unrelated note, I still haven't reached a verdict on why God decided to smite my face last week. I kid you not--I have never broken out so badly in my life! Stress related? Who knows. You probably didn't need to know that. Haha... oh well. At least you're getting to share in the full experience with me! Take care, all of you, and I'll post again soon.

P.S. Gigi, I'm sorry you can't post comments! But fear not, I'm just glad to know you're still out there somewhere in the cyberworld. :-)


At 2:35 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

How can God smite your face in the counrty with the most pure and natural water on Earth? You must be a freak of nature because nobody breaks out in Italy! We need to discuss this matter.


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