The Hills are Alive!

So on Monday, we embarked on the Sound of Music tour! Before we left, we had to get some food in us, so the picture shown above is Ellen and Kim at a fountain, sampling pretzels. We each got a different kind and then shared, because they were amazing! Apple cinnamon, veggie, and a donut-type of sugar one. I love pretzels! It will be hard to go back to the oversalted ones we have in America. Alas.
Also, note the hats. We decided to get in the spirit! I even wore a SKIRT the entire day!

Before we left on the bus, we got to spend some time in the Mirabell Gartens, which is were a lot of the scenes from Do Re Mi were filmed. We just
had to re-enact some of the scenes, so this picture shows Ellen and I, master tourists at our finest. Note the confused looks on the faces of the two people walking through! I felt bad for them.

Tour bus!! Our leader was a man named (and I kid you not) Sunshine Gunther. HAD to be his tour name... I hope. He was hilarious, and dressed in true lederhosens! Humorously enough, our hats matched his.

"I am sixteen going on seventeen, I know that I'm naive... fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet and willingly I believe!"

"I have confidence in sunshine! I have confidence in rain! I have confidence that spring will come again! Besides which you see I have confidence in me!"
(This is actually where this was filmed! I have a video of me skipping down. Unfortunately, there is no sound on my camera's videos, or else I would have sung loudly. It was quite fabulous!)

The home in the background is where the boating scene was filmed, and all the outdoor things (when they have lemonade, and find out that Baroness Schroeder is going to marry the Captain, etc.)

My favorite part of the tour was when we went driving around the lakes and mountains, deeper into the Alps. SO AMAZING! I love them. I wanted you to see the view, so I have two pictures of the place we stopped at, but I also wanted you to see my full outfit. Yes, we paraded around Salzburg like this for the entire day. Yes, we got plenty of odd looks. :-)

The view.

When we got back, we didn't really know where we were, so we stopped to play on the tree! Again, more funny looks, haha. I seem to be good at getting odd looks no matter what country I'm in!

Artsy picture from a pedestrian bridge, with Salzburg in the background and a flower from a "Saint Mary's tree" in the foreground. (There are lots of trees like this at home, and they make me miss it every time I see one.) Next post to follow!
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