lunedì, novembre 13, 2006


Because I'll be gone next semester, I'm applying early for an RA position in the 07-08 school year. It's so odd to be looking so far ahead... I feel like my time here is slipping right through my fingers.

It's odd to think that soon I'll be, once again, making the transition from eagerly observant, brand new college girl to "experienced upperclasswoman" . . .

More on this when I don't have a Philo assignment due in seven hours.

mercoledì, novembre 08, 2006


So here it is... the first post! I've been waiting to start this blog for a while now, but felt that I ought to hold off until every decision regarding this study abroad was confirmed. I'm pleased to announce that, as of today, I'm officially going to Rome! The recommendations are completed, the forms are turned in, the interview is done, my passport is on its way to the Italian Consulate, and reality is sinking in! I'm going to Roma, to the very heart of Roma, for three and a half months...!!

I'm excited to be able to share these experiences with all of you, and will try to post as regularly as possible when I get to Rome. For now, I'll probably just scribble a little note from time to time as the departure date draws nearer. (Family members, fear not--I will NOT post pictures of fifty pairs of underwear, as my beloved sister did! Bless her heart.) I'll gradually be switching from my old blog over to this one (not that I've been able to post in my old blog very often this year, for which I apologize to those of you who follow it). I'll try harder to keep you all updated on my life!

I do apologize, though, if some of these pre-Rome posts become exceedingly gushy, or if they become angsty or panicky at any point. I might fall into either one or both of these extremes, but this blog is sure to become a channel for my emotions. I already feel an odd mix of terror and excitement, and I'm sure these feelings will become even more interspersed and complicated during the next couple months. On the one hand, I know that this is going to be a life changing experience, and I feel blessed beyond words to have these opportunities before me. But on the other hand... I've formed so many new friendships and relationships through Marching Band this semester that I'm hesitant to say goodbye. I'm trying to think of next semester as a challenge to continue those relationships through alternate forms of communication. But no matter how wonderful the internet is in terms of keeping in touch with friends and family, words on this screen can never replace time spent together. In that sense, my experience in this specific community will be put on pause.

Which leads me to my last thought for the day. I only have a month and a half left on campus until next fall... (scary thought)... and I plan to make the most of it! This place is my second home, and I feel like I'm part of a mulititude of families, all of which are welcoming and inspiring in their own ways. It's been an amazing semester, and Rome is going to be something entirely different and incredible, I'm sure. So in the big scheme of this, I can't go wrong.

I really think I'm one of the luckiest girls alive! God bless you all. :)
