Theology is one of those enigmatic words that no two people understand in the same way. To me, theology is the timeless quest to understand the truths and nature of God as revealed to humanity through creation, human intellect, and emotion. The fundamental elements of this quest lie in the study of our experiences of the divine (both on a physical and metaphysical plane), as well as in the study of how these experiences influence our personal actions and our lives. The study of theology can seem fragile and elusive, and thus daunting, because our insights shift as our experiences multiply. Over time, these shifts have led to the creation of numerous areas of specific theological exploration. At its core, though, theology rests on humankind’s inherent desire to understand the sublime, and to make some sense of something greater than our comprehension.
Vita è Bella!
mercoledì, agosto 29, 2007
mercoledì, agosto 01, 2007
Random late-night poem, Hotel Tiziano, Roma
Friday night in, 11:14 PM, ringing silence broken only bythe flip of a page or a distant voice in the hall.
The room seems even emptier in the wake of such genuine
laughter, and I smile and sigh simultaneously.
Another flashback to an evening of long walks on uneven
cobblestone, surreal sights and dreams in the heart of Rome.
Another pang of bittersweet reality cuts through the misty
illusion enshrouding these frenzied days.
I'm living a dream...
The only problem is, the dreams consumes so much of my
perception that I fear I can't yet comprehend my life.
I never knew I could feel so much yet be so afraid to
trust my emotions, if only because I can't verify my reality.
I want to embrace each rush of joy and revel in this
growing sense of humility, in all its gentle immensity.
I long to run out into the world and explore every corner,
pausing whenever the urge strikes in moments of sudden discovery.
I yearn to find something deeper reflected in these walls, and
stir myself to greater realization of all I'm able to achieve.
I want to do it all, and properly -- to soak in this dream
with gratitude and openness, curiosity and willingness,
a heart of faith and a mind of purpose.
I want to truly live this dream.
And sitting here, 11:42 PM, mind reeling with flashbacks and
voices and visions...
I'm finally starting to realize I can.